Easy Cappuccino – Traditionally, a cappuccino is one part espresso mixed with one part steamed milk, then topped with one part foamed milk. This recipe allows you to duplicate your favorite coffee shop drink, without special equipment. agen bola

1/2 cup milk
1/3 cup of hot brewed Easy Espresso
Directions: premium303
Place the milk in a 1 cup microwave-safe measuring cup. Microwave, uncovered, on high for 1 minute or until the milk is hot and small bubbles form around the edges of the cup. mrchensjackson.com
– Place the metal beater in the cup; shake vigorously by holding the shaker handle loosely between your palms and quickly rubbing your hands back and forth. Transfer the foam to a small measuring cup as it forms. Continue to beat until the foam reaches 1/3 cup; put aside. premium303
– Pour Easy Espresso into a cup; pour the remaining hot milk. Spoon the foam on top and serve immediately.